  • 学校新闻




Why is my Study Score 0 when I start my study of DynEd? 为什么我开始学习DynEd的时候,学习得分是零?

The Intelligent Tutor looks for patterns in how you study. This generally requires that you to listen to at least 100 to 200 sentences in a course before you get a score. For example, if you don’t repeat some sentences or if you use the text button too often, the Tutor will lower your Study Score and give you the reason. If you quickly change your way of studying, by repeating more sentences and not using text so often, your score will increase and the messages will go away. The starting point is zero, and the ending point is based on your overall study record.



On Friday, my study score was 5. On Monday, it was only 3. Why did it go down?  上周五的时候,我的分数是5分,到了周一,分数变成了3分。为什么会下降呢? 

The Intelligent Tutor looks at how many times you have studied in the past 14 days. If you didn’t study on the weekend, your study frequency during the past 14 days may have gone below the minimum number of days required to get points for good study frequency. For NDE the minimum number of study days is 4 days. Below 4 days results in a negative score of -2. Total study time for these days is also monitored and must be above a minimum level.

“智能*” 会检测过去14天之内你学习的次数。如果你周末没有学习,则你过去14天内的学习的天数则少于“好的学习频率”的得分标准的天数。对于New Dynamic English,过去14天*少的有效学习天数是4天。如果少于4天的有效课件练习天数,则会扣除2分。智能*也会观察这些天的总学习时长,且也有一个*低限度。(每天课件学习有效时长在30分钟以上才会被计为一个有效学习天数,课件若打开,不做任何操作则不会计时。)



I just came back from a 2-week vacation, and my Study Score is 4 points lower than before. How can I improve it? 我刚从为期两周的休假回来,我的分数相比之前降了4分,我该如何提高分数呢?

Your Study Score is lower because you didn’t study during your vacation. But don’t worry. After you study several times, on different days, your Study Score will quickly return to what it was.

Remember, the Intelligent Tutor checks your study frequency and study time over the previous 14 days. This is important for the creation of long-term memories and language skill development. For NDE, if you study 8 or more days in that period, the Study Score bonus is +3. This frequency must be maintained for each 14 day period, and a minimum amount of study time must also be maintained.


请留意,智能*是检测过去14天之内的学习频率和学习时间。这个对于长期记忆的形成以及语言技能的掌握是很重要的。对于New Dynamic English,如果在一个阶段内学习8天甚至更多,则会奖励3分。这个频率必须在14天的周期中保持,并且对于有效练习的*少天数也要坚持*。


I get the message: “Too much text button. It seems you are using the text button too much.”How can I get this message to go away?  课件给我的评语是“文字键使用太多,好像你文字键用得太多了。”这条信息怎样才会消失?

Depending on the course, this message comes up when you are using the text button too much compared to your use of the repeat button. For example, if you use the repeat button 50 times and you use the text button 15 times or more, you will get this message. If you continue to study and continue to use the repeat button without using the text button so much, the message will go away.

 Please note that the Intelligent Tutor only looks at the text button in the lessons where the language models are presented, and not in review lessons or support lessons such as question practice.

The Intelligent Tutor also looks for overuse of any button, such as the repeat or record bu